Homeward Bound  Sea Shanties

        北村協一 編曲
        さだ男声合唱団 (さださんが1人で4パート)  
                              さだ男声合唱団 目次へ

 The windows stare the windward stream. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.
 Across the wide and rolling sea. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.

 Our sails are full all night and day. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.
 But home is ever far away. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.

 I long to see a sign of land. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.
 I long to touch my sweetheart's hand. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.

 Our ship has sailed a world around. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.
 And thank to Lord we're Homeward bound. Then blow ye winds,high o'ye winds.